Who is eligible for a Health Savings Account?

An individual is eligible for a Health Savings Account and may make/receive monthly contributions if they are covered under a high-deductible health plan, are not covered by any other health plan that is not an HDHP (with certain exceptions for plans providing preventative care and limited types of permitted insurance and permitted coverage), are not enrolled in Medicare, and may not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.

Who can use an HSA benefit?

An HSA can benefit you, your spouse, and your dependents.

Who can make regular or annual HSA contributions?

You, your employer, your family members, or any other person may contribute to your HSA, even if you are self-employed or unemployed. 

What is the HSA contribution deadline?

You or your employer may are able to make HSA contributions (regular and catch-up) any time during a taxable year and up to/including your federal income tax return due date (excluding extensions) for filing tax returns for that year. That means most years’ contributions must be made on or before April 15 of the following calendar year.