Planning and Investment Resources

Articles and Newsletters to keep you up-to-date

We want to keep you informed. We also want to make the process as easy as possible in the fast-paced world of today. Check out the quick links below that allow for easy access from any device. Be sure to visit this page often as the links will be updated thoughout the year.



Avoiding Scams: This article provides details on Smishing, Multi-Factor Authentication, and Sim Swapping scams as well as tips on how to avoid them.

Identifying Phishing Attacks:  Phishing is a form of cybercrime in which cybercriminals deploy fraudulent communications to a user or organization that are created to appear to have come from a legitimate source. This article breaks down how to identify a phishing attack and how best to protect yourself from them.

Recovering from a Cyber Attack: Cyber attacks can happen to anyone, so it is crucial to understand when you are a victim of one to ensure you act quickly and minimize potential damage. This article breaks down the steps you should take if you are a victim of a cyber attack.





A Pension Strategy That May Boost Your Income
Can You Put the Brankes on Rising Auto Insurance Premiums?
Do You Have Enough Life Insurance?
Making the Most of Your Credit Card
The Fed Finally Cut Interest Rates. What Could It Mean For Your Finances?
What's Your Real Return?



Eight Great Investing Quotes
HOT TOPIC: Should You Worry About Market Volatility?
​It's Complicated: INheriting IRAs and Retirment Plans

Just Your Average Millionaire
Retroactive Social Secuirty Benefits: A Chance to Turn Back Time
Thinking of Selliing Your Home?: Don't Be Suprised by Capital Gains Taxes