When you want to know more about a business, take a deep dive into its culture, community presence and of course, its people. It won’t take long to understand the dynamics of the environment, and you’ll have a clear picture of the how and why behind the business’ success. Heartland Bank’s Jeanette Maddron is a clear example of everything Heartland, and she shares her belief that finding a “family” can change your life direction.
“My time at Heartland began in 2013 when I was hired as President and CEO Scott McComb’s Executive Assistant when his previous assistant retired. I knew absolutely nothing about banking beyond having a checking account of my own. I was fortunate to be in the position I was in because it allowed me to become familiar with a lot of areas of the bank and meet a lot of people along the way,” shared Jeanette. This knowledge inspired Jeanette to embark on a career path that would include a much different direction than she had initially considered.
She listened, learned and eventually settled on an area of the bank that interested her…compliance. “My current roles at Heartland are Compliance Officer and CRA and Fair Lending Officer. I help ensure that Heartland is meeting the regulatory requirements set for us by our regulators and government. Turns out, that means I research and read - a lot. Additionally, I monitor our CRA and Fair Lending activity to ensure that we are consistently being fair and equitable in our banking and lending practices. I review and monitor our lending data the way our examiners do to be able to provide accurate information on our lending and banking activities.”
“I am most proud of my career path. I love my Heartland story because I think it’s the epitome of ‘promote from within’ which Heartland strives to do. I’ve been with Heartland for ten years and in that time, I’ve changed roles and have been promoted up to Vice President. I was given a great opportunity to move into the Compliance Department six years ago, and I’m proud of the work I’ve put in to get to where I am today,” said Jeanette.
According to Heartland’s Chief Risk Officer Jennifer Eckert, “I am so thankful every day that Jeanette decided she liked compliance. Her dedication and enthusiasm for leading our compliance department has paid off in our audits, exams and CRA ratings. I don’t know what I would do without her!”
As her loyalty and commitment have grown over the years, Jeanette admits to a few key elements in her growth process at the bank. “Make relationships outside of your immediate department. There are so many people at Heartland that are valuable resources and possess so much knowledge that it’s almost criminal not to seek those folks out. Additionally, ask for help. I’ve never had a single person at Heartland turn down a request for help.” She is devoted to quality and excellence. “Quality and Excellence means giving your best effort whether it’s your individual work or a team project. It means showing up and being reliable, showing others that they can depend on you. If they recognize your effort, then you’re successful in your work.”
Jeanette has been part of the Heartland family for over ten years, and without a true family here in Ohio, she feels fortunate to have happened upon a company that has given her so much besides just a career. “I was born and raised in southeast Los Angeles, the baby of seven children in a family that came together like the Brady Bunch. I went to college to study Psychology so I could be like Jodi Foster in Silence of the Lambs and then switched majors when I realized serial killers scared me too much. I earned my bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of California, Irvine (Go Anteaters…ZOT ZOT!) in 2003 and just a couple months after graduation I moved to Ohio because my boyfriend (now husband) asked if I wanted to live somewhere where the air hurts my face five months out of the year. I was up for the adventure, and Columbus has been my home ever since - twenty years this October to be exact. No regrets. Heartland hasn’t just been a career opportunity for me. I’ve met amazing people here, including my best friend. If I had known when I started here what a positive impact it would have on my life, I would have applied years sooner,” added Jeanette.
As an Ohio transplant, Jeanette not only makes up for the lack of family via her work family, but also with traditions and interesting hobbies. “We don’t have any family here, so one of the first traditions we created when we moved to Ohio was going to the Columbus Zoo during Wildlights and taking a picture in a particular spot. We go back every year and take a picture in the same spot. In 2022, it was our 20th picture. It’s where we got engaged in 2005, and it’s been so fun to see us change over the years and add Henry to it in 2014 and James in 2016.” Jeanette also admits to being an “old soul” as she enjoys knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. Along with collecting over 1000 Pez dispensers, Jeanette states, “I’m also a big reader and usually have a couple of books going at the same time. I’ll read just about any genre except things involving dragons or time travel or time traveling dragons. We’re a big Disney family, so we love planning vacations to the big mouse traps in Florida and California.”
Jeanette is also very active on many different committees at the bank, participates in local fundraisers and blood drives, and volunteers at the schools in her neighborhood. She represents Heartland in so many ways with her commitment both in the office and in the community. Have you been searching for a career home (or even bank home) where ten years just flies by? If so, come on over to Heartland!