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Homepage Changes and Online Banking Security

Saturday, January 23, 2016/Categories: Community, Products & Services, Security, Website

Heartland Bank is pleased to announce the implementation of a minor change to the look of our website and online banking login process. This change will provide clients with an extra layer of security and added convenience. By clicking the orange Online Account Access button on the home page, you’ll see a newly designed (and more secure) screen to enter your user name and password on the same page.

Both MyCardStatement (where you can access and manage your Heartland Bank MasterCard account 24/7) and our Online Banking logins will now be available via the Online Account Access button on the home page.



Our new Online Account Access page allows clients to enter their Username and Password on one secure, https-enabled, login page!

At Heartland Bank, we’re serious about protecting your personal information. We use a variety of security tools – from requiring a User ID and Password when you log in on our new secure page to using encryption for all your online transactions. Always watch for the padlock icon shown in the window of the browser and check for the secure connection that is represented by “https” in front of any web address whenever you are entering sensitive or confidential information.

We need your help, too!

Protecting yourself online starts with knowing how to prevent fraud. Please review the links below to learn more about:

Protect your computer

Make sure you’re running anti-virus protection software and that the firewall is turned on so you aren’t vulnerable to any type of virus that might be downloaded and installed from a malicious site. 

Protect your cards

It’s easy to control when, where and how your debit card is being used. Simply sign up for CardValet®, a card management tool that enables you to control your spending and protect yourself against fraud, all through a simple, free mobile app on your phone. Click here to sign up today!

Monitor your accounts regularly

Get into the habit of monitoring your accounts every few days and always after you’ve done any type of online shopping. Make sure the transactions posted to your account are ones you authorized. Report any fraudulent or suspicious activity to Heartland Bank Client Services (phone number is prominently featured on the homepage of our website).

Access your accounts from a secure location

Avoid using unsecured wireless access points to jump online and log into your online accounts. You should only access these accounts when you’re certain you have a secure connection. Unsecured wireless access points, such as those found at airports, coffee shops and hotels, are easy to intercept and someone could easily collect the information you’re using to log in.

Always log out

It is good practice to always log out of your online banking session when you have finished your business. This will lessen the chances of falling prey to session hijacking and cross-site scripting exploits. You may also want to set up the extra precaution of private browsing on your computer or smart phone and set your browser to clear its cache at the end of each session.

Your personal information is a valuable commodity. It’s not only the key to your financial identity, but also to your online identity and knowing how to protect it is a must in the 21st century. Stop over to our Security Center today or visit the Federal Trade Commission’s Identity Theft site for great information about protecting yourself online.

