Reflecting over the past year is often the theme for many organizations at this time of year. As budgets are evaluated and strategies are analyzed, businesses have become accustomed to starting the new year based on the outcomes of the previous year. Heartland Bank is no exception, but the focus is not only on the bottom line, but also on the outreach, the milestones, the triumphs and the celebrations.
Surviving the rocky road of 2020 – 2021 is a feat in and of itself for many businesses, but the bank additionally celebrates helping 1,600 small businesses retain 22,000 jobs through the Paycheck Protection Program as businesses employed every means possible to stay open through the pandemic years. Banks have played a successful part in many notable, historical events of the past, and the COVID-19 crisis is another that challenged their resiliency and preparedness.
As the bank weathered the storm and assisted the community, the culture of the Heartland Bank work-family was tested like never before. With a year of healing and recovery from several years of unprecedented trauma on health and mental well-being, the bank was fortunate that the associates’ mindset was ultimately uplifted. Their underlying allegiance was boosted as associates valued the flexible, post-pandemic schedules, appreciated their job retention and anticipated a collaborative and exciting future.
In addition, Heartland announced the formation of the Heartland Bank Community Foundation (HBCF) in late 2019, but this outreach initiative would really not provide significant impact until late 2021. So far in 2022, many organizations have been supported through awards to 501(c)(3), community-based nonprofits with programs focused on youth and families. Bikes, food and clothing are just a few of the material items proudly provided by the local recipient organizations to those in need.
Community support is what defines Heartland Bank today and is the basis for its core ideals. With recent expansion to Delaware and the Greater Cincinnati market, and the 2020 acquisition of Victory Community Bank in Kentucky, Heartland is proud to expand its footprint to provide value and service to additional markets in Ohio and neighboring Kentucky. Community bankers believe in their mission and love to share their stories – new markets challenge and intrigue them as they embrace the opportunities that will unfold.
Community banking is alive and well in Ohio and Kentucky, and Heartland Bank, the associates, shareholders and board members can’t thank the clients enough!