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Hartford Fair Youth Donate Pork

Wednesday, September 15, 2021/Categories: Press Releases

Hartford Fair youth donate pork














The Ohio Association of Foodbanks recently received a donation of processed pork from the Hartford
Junior Fair youth livestock auction. The donation, nearly 6,500 pounds of pork, will benefit the clients
of the Food Pantry Network of Licking County. (Courtesy Photo)


COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Association of Foodbanks recently received a donation of processed pork from the Hartford Junior Fair youth livestock auction. The donation, nearly 6,500 pounds of pork, will benefit the clients of the Food Pantry Network of Licking County. The donation comes from the annual 4-H and FFA junior fair exhibitors’ livestock auction where Englefield Oil Company and Duchess Shops, Heartland Bank and Licking County Farm Bureau purchased livestock from the auction and the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) processed the meat.

“We are truly thankful for the generosity of so many organizations that have come together to support 4-H and FFA youth and to make this much-needed protein donation possible,” said Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, executive director of the Ohio Association of Foodbanks. “The donation will help feed hungry Ohioans who are struggling to make ends meet. Every contribution makes a difference.”

“It is encouraging to see 4-H and FFA youth and businesses in our community come together to make such an impactful donation to help neighbors in need,” said Chip Carpenter, Hartford Fair auctioneer. “The willingness of the youth and local organizations to join forces to donate high-quality pork to the foodbanks and other charities is a nod to how selfless our community is.”

In addition to the donation from Hartford fair youth, Englefield Oil and Duchess Shops, Heartland Bank and Licking County Farm Bureau helped cover additional costs related to transporting and processing the donation. A special thanks also to Daniel James with the USDA Chicago District, Atiya Khan with the USDA Office of Food Safety, Tracy Intihar with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Annette Chambers-Smith and Stuart Hudson with the ODRC, and the Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board and Swine Committee for making the donation possible. The donation will allow the foodbank network to continue serving hungry Ohioans in need.

Ohioans and companies looking to donate or volunteer at a local foodbank, or seeking help with food, can visit for more information.

— Ohio Association of Foodbanks


