Protect Yourself

Common Sense Security Suggestions

Heartland Bank is committed to protecting your personal information. The security recommendations provided here will help you protect your personal information and will aid you in protecting yourself in our financial world of today. While Heartland Bank is dedicated to utilizing the most up-to-date security and technological procedures to protect your banking, you can help by reviewing a few simple guidelines:


  • Heartland Bank will never make an unsolicited request for any confidential information from you via email or phone call
  • We will not ask you to update your account details on a web page
  • Do not respond to or click on links in unsolicited emails
  • Do not provide confidential information on an unsolicited phone call
  • Retrieve your mail from your mailbox promptly
  • Mail sensitive information/bill payments from secure mailboxes - consider using our Online Bill Pay
  • Shred documents that contain confidential information
  • Shred old or expired credit cards
  • Review your credit reports regularly at
  • User IDs and passwords should never be shared
  • Change your passwords often
  • Sign back of cards and only carry those you use; report lost or stolen cards immediately
  • Take advantage of your bank’s free security offerings - Card Valet
  • Be sure to opt-out of information sharing when asked
  • File a police report if needed - if you suspect fraud, contact your local authorities
  • Review your statements: scan for fraudulent charges and/or unauthorized transactions
  • Choose eStatements and review monthly: know your billing/statement cycles

Tips concerning identity theft:

Identity theft is a threat – threatening your financial way of life. Victims of identity theft are often not aware of the crime immediately. You might be turned down for a credit card…then, out of nowhere, find out that a criminal has been transacting business using your personal information. If this happens to you, remember to:

  • Call Client Services at Heartland Bank at 1-800-697-0049 and let us know of any suspicious activities - ask to have your account numbers, PINs and passwords changed immediately
  • Call any other financial institutions that you do business with and do the same
  • Call your credit card companies and ask that all accounts be restricted or closed
  • Check your personal documents to determine what has been compromised/stolen
  • If checks are missing from your check book, issue stop payments on any missing checks
  • If your driver's license is missing, contact your local Bureau of Motor Vehicles office
  • If your Social Security card is missing, contact the Social Security Administration
  • File a report with your local police department and obtain a copy for your records
  • In detail, always document when and who you speak with regarding the incident
  • Check out for more useful information
Keep tabs on your debit card with CardValet. Learn More