Evaluate Your Risk Profile

Risk Assessment for Commercial Banking Clients

Heartland Bank acknowledges that it is an industry best practice to conduct an annual self-assessment to understand your company's cyber security risk profile. Therefore, we would like to provide you with a handy tool to do just that!

We invite you to try this simple self-assessment tool at no charge. The session only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. It is recommended for your IT professional to complete the survey.

Commercial E-Banking Risk Assessment and Controls Evaluation


The following e-banking risk assessment and controls evaluation is provided to assist commercial Internet banking users in identifying threats and measure the strength of their controls.

Risk Assessment Questions

For each question, select the answer that best represents your environment. Following the assessment, use the "Control Evaluation - Tips" to evaluate your environment.

Personnel Security:

  1. Are employees required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)?
  2. Does each employee using Internet banking go through security awareness training?
  3. Do you complete background checks on employees prior to hire?

Computer System Security:

  1. Is a dedicated computer system used for e-Banking activities?
  2. Do computer systems have up-to-date antivirus software?
  3. Is there a process in place to ensure software updates and patches are applied (e.g. Microsoft, web browser, Adobe products, etc.)?
  4. Do users run as local Administrators on their computer systems?
  5. Does a firewall protect the network?
  6. Do you have an Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS) in place to monitor and protect the network?
  7. Is Internet content filtering being used?
  8. Is email SPAM filtering being used?
  9. Are users of the Internet banking system trained to manually lock their workstations when they leave them?
  10. Is wireless technology used on the network with the Internet banking system?

Physical Security:

  1. Are critical systems (including systems used to access Internet banking) located in a secure area?
  2. How are passwords protected?

Previous Experience:

  1. Have you experienced fraud through e-Banking in the past?
  2. Has malware been discovered on systems used for e-Banking activities in the past?

© CoNetrix

*The output of the risk assessment tool is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the cybersecurity evaluation of your internal Information Technology professional, external consultants and/or auditors. Completing the self-assessment or utilizing the recommended controls is completely voluntary and is NOT a requirement for our clients to continue to use the Online Banking system.

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