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2024 Columbus Golf Outing

2024 Columbus Golf Outing

Thanks for attending our 27th Annual Heartland Bank Community Foundation Charity Golf Classic in Grove City, Ohio on September 9!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Categories: Heartland Bank
Getting to Know Angela Murphy

Getting to Know Angela Murphy

A Heartland associate is not just a bank employee. These associates are dedicated team members, community partners and client advocates. They strive to provide value in every transaction, and they take pride in accomplishing a new goal, completing a strategic project or building long-term relationships. Angela Murphy has been a Heartland associate since 2019, and she is proud to know that she is making a difference one day at a time.

Monday, September 9, 2024
Categories: Employee Spotlight
Ohio Homebuyers Plus Program

Ohio Homebuyers Plus Program

Do You Want to Know More About the Ohio Homebuyer Plus Program?

Buying a home is a big commitment. There are so many questions, so many variables and so many options. Putting in the effort to upgrade your current home or move out of the apartment you’ve called home for ten years might make you want to cringe.

Thursday, August 1, 2024
Categories: Home Page Story
Nice to Meet You, Adecia Stover!

Nice to Meet You, Adecia Stover!

Following the Great Resignation of 2022, many companies looked forward to the Big Stay. Heartland has inherently supported associates that stay the course and often move to positions that suit them best. Adecia Stover has chosen to commit to the team, and credits culture and the comfort of knowing she can count on a spot here at Heartland even through uncertain times like Covid – “I am forever grateful for Heartland and will always remain a big fan!”

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Categories: Employee Spotlight
Do You Fall Victim to Vacation Stress?

Do You Fall Victim to Vacation Stress?

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, but under planning and overspending can lead to financial stressors. Taking some time upfront to complete just a few short tasks can change your outcome and provide peace of mind.

Monday, July 15, 2024
Categories: Home Page Story