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Pelotonia Proud 2022

Pelotonia Proud 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022/Categories: Home Page Story

Pelotonia has special meaning for Heartland Bank as its modern-day founder, Tiney McComb, lost his battle with cancer 10 years ago. Heartland’s peloton, Tiney’s Team, has been riding ever since to honor their past leader and in remembrance of the impact Tiney had on his staff, friends and family.

Community commitment was part of Tiney’s belief system and one that he learned at an early age. This year, Heartland embraces this commitment with a team of 23 members of all ages – each one committing time and talents to make a difference in the lives of those stricken with this disease. Many are returning members ranging from executive staff to relatively new associates.

In 2022, the team hopes to raise nearly $20,000. Each individual has a fundraising goal; however, Heartland Bank associates additionally contribute to the festivities and overall total through various planned activities. August 1-5 is Spirit week with activities such as sandwiches for sale, BINGO, guess the number of candies in a jar and wear your Pelotonia-green day. Spectator shirts for sale, a paper hearts campaign, and a trivia game round out the extras. Save the date for our Party on the Patio September 8 with live music, a cornhole tournament and raffle baskets. With over $216,000 raised since the team’s modest beginning, Tiney’s Team hopes to make this year one of its best.

The 2022 riders/challengers for Heartland Bark are Sarah Ketty (Captain), Tim Achatz, Carrie Almendinger, Ben Babcanec, Alyssa Booms, Matt Booms, Angela Brown, Andre Conner, Ruth Floyd, Alissa Griffith, Jonathan Heberline, Mark Klettlinger, Darby Lasure, Ross Marks, Daniel Miller, Sam Orazen, Chasitity Paine, Gary Paine, Louis Santos, Tyler Searight, Tarne Tassniyom, Jamie Taylor and Sarah Wells.

During the event on August 5→7, look for the Tiney’s team riders who proudly wear the Heartland Bank logo and cheer them on as they represent the bank and its devotion to this cause. We also invite you to stop in to any one of our 18 Heartland Bank locations where you’ll receive the same dedication to excellence that our Peloton team has given since 2012.

