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It’s That Time of the Year Again and Heartland Bank is in the Giving Spirit

Sunday, December 20, 2015/Categories: Community, Heartland Bank

It’s that time of the year again and Heartland Bank is in the giving spirit! On Saturday, December 12, the Heartland family gathered for the annual Holiday Party at the Creekside Conference & Event Center in Gahanna. In addition, we celebrated the 19th annual Silent Auction with proceeds benefitting several community food banks and local charities. This year, twelve area organizations will benefit from the generosity of Heartland Bank employees bidding on more than 180 items donated to the holiday celebration. Central Ohio’s community bank continues the tradition of giving back to the communities that we serve.

Each Heartland Bank office selected a charitable organization in their market to receive a portion of the proceeds from the Silent Auction. Through the generosity and teamwork of clients, employees and area businesses, over $6,400 was raised at this year’s party and over $75,000 since the fundraising component of the Holiday Party began in 1996.

Croton Church of Christ Food Pantry, 40 South Main, Croton
Mondays, 10 a.m. - noon
Serving the communities of Hartford, Bennington, Monroe and Liberty Township and the cities of Croton and Johnstown

Dublin Food Pantry, 81 West Bridge Street, Dublin
Mondays 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., and Thursdays 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
The Dublin Food Pantry is dedicated to providing for the needs of hungry people by collecting and distributing food and grocery products, educating the community about hunger, and collaborating with others who address basic human needs.

GRIN (Gahanna Residents in Need), 760 Morrison Road, Stes. A & B. During January, GRIN is open on Jan 2 9:00 - 12:00 PM Jan 5 6:00 - 8:00 PM Jan 13 9:00 - 12:00 PM Jan 16 9:00 - 11:00 AM Jan 19 6:00 - 8:00 PM Jan 27 9:00 - 12:00 PM
GRIN is a community wide, faith based organization committed to helping residents of the Gahanna-Jefferson school district in a time of need.

Grove City Food Pantry Emergency Services, Inc., 2710 Columbus Street, Grove City
Monday – Friday, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. and last two Saturdays of the month, 10 a.m. – 12 noon or by appointment.
The Grove City Food Pantry and Emergency Services offers temporary food assistance and emergency financial assistance to qualified area residents. The organization is comprised of all volunteers and focuses on meeting the needs of the hungry and those facing a financial emergency.

Johnstown-Northridge Food Pantry at Johnstown Independent Baptist Church, 7397 Johnstown-Alexandria, NW, Johnstown
Open 9:30 to 11 a.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Helping Johnstown families in need.

Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry, 82 North Wilson Road
LSS has been serving the hungry since 1927 and today operates two food pantries in Franklin County, as well as one each in Delaware, Lancaster and Caldwell. In addition, a mobile food pantry serves Gallia, Lawrence, Morgan, Meigs and Scioto Counties that serves more than 6,000 families in need each month.

Ohio’s Children’s Hunger Alliance
Children’s Hunger Alliance is the largest sponsor of home-based child care providers in Ohio, reimbursing them for the meals and snacks they serve to children. The agency increases easy access to nutritious food by helping guide school breakfast programs and assisting Ohio Summer Food Service sponsors in providing meals and snacks at summer feeding locations.

Mental Health of America of Licking County/YES Program 
Mental Health America started the Youth Engaged in Service (YES) program in 1992 as a service-learning project funded by a grant from the Ohio Department of Education. In 1999, due to the overwhelming number of participants and need for a safe place for teens to spend after school hours, YES moved to downtown Newark. In 2009, YES moved again, into the Miller-Murphy Building. The clubhouse currently serves 35-60 youth, ages 11-18, on a daily basis.

Address: 100 E. Church Street
Newark, Ohio 43055
Phone: 740-522-OYES (0937)
Fax: 740-345-1717

Regular Hours:
2:00-6:00 M-F During the School Year
12:00-4:00 M-F During Summer

Reynoldsburg Helping Hands Food Pantry, 7356 Main Street, Reynoldsburg
10 a.m. – noon Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Providing emergency services for Reynoldsburg school district families in need

The Open Shelter, 61 E. Mound Street, Columbus
The Open Shelter is a day-services shelter that helps homeless and marginally housed people. They provide food, clothing and hygiene in addition to a financial management program.

Tyler’s Light
Tyler’s Light is a resource for the people of Pickerington and Fairfield County in order to prevent drug addition through community engagement, awareness, education and support. Their mission: To equip our communities and our nation with information and resources to help people choose a drug-free life, while providing resources for family members and/or friends who are involved in the battle against addiction. 

WARM (Westerville Area Resource Ministry), 175 West Broadway, Westerville
Call Hands On Central Ohio for an appointment (614-341-2282)
Provides compassionate, short-term assistance, educational services and spiritual support in order to encourage individuals to achieve a God-reliant, self-sufficient life while restoring dignity and hope. W.A.R.M. is a food pantry and so much more!

If you’re interested in supporting any of the above charities, please feel free to visit their websites for more information.

