Most every company has one of ‘those’ employees. They’re the first to volunteer for after-work or Saturday events. They’re the ones who call the Marketing Department to say ‘I’ll help set up the banquet room for the Holiday party’ or ‘Count on me to work the fund-raiser for Pelotonia’ or ‘I can help at the Golf Outing – what do you need me to do?’. At Heartland Bank, Paula Brutchey, AVP Operations Manager, is one of ‘those’…..
We’re proud to feature Paula in this month’s Employee Spotlight. After beginning her career at Heartland Bank in the accounting department in October of 1998, she’s developed into an effective leader, a respected colleague and a self-motivated member of the Heartland team. As a valued employee, Paula spends her work days managing the Operations area of the bank, including Production, Branch Support, Account Review and the IRA area, as well as the Escheated Fund and Tax Corrections. Most recently, she headed up the Debit Card conversion from Elan to FiServ. Paula stated “One of my goals is to expand my knowledge of the IRA rules and stay up on the ever-changing bank world.”
According to Scott McComb, “Paula is our behind the scenes hero, making sure the bank balances each day, and running all transaction departments. A true team player, Paula leads by example and strives for ultimate internal and external client satisfaction.”
In her personal life, Paula will celebrate her 35th wedding anniversary next month. She and her husband Gary have two children, Justin and Kimber and are anxiously awaiting the delivery of their first grandchild next March. “My daughter said she will drop the baby at my house every weekend. Since I am still working, I suggested maybe not EVERY weekend,” she said. An active member of her church, she’s supported her community by volunteering at their Christmas toy drive for the last three years.
The Quality and Excellence Award has been a tradition at Heartland Bank since 1994 and many of our employees proudly wear the pin each day that signifies this honor. Employees that have been given this award were chosen based on excellent customer service, being an example of a team player, helping other employees and exceeding the expectations of their job duties and responsibilities. Paula was proud to be presented with the Q&E pin in May of 1999. To her, it means “striving at Heartland to do the best I can and to treat others the way I want to be treated. It’s all about the customer and what we need to do to resolve whatever the issue is.”
It’s people like Paula that allow Heartland Bank to give such first class customer service, day in and day out. She is just one of the reasons that “Banking Feels Good” at Heartland. For more reasons, visit one of our 12 central Ohio locations today. You’ll be glad you did.